Monday, January 6, 2014

Sweet potato for Diabetics

 Can sweet potato help lower blood sugars?

Sweet potato is a tropical food which is widely consumed globally. In two small studies, consumption of sweet potato did lead to lowering of blood sugars and HbA1c. However, there are many types of sweet potatoes and no one knows which species is the best to consume. Diabetics should not substitute sweet potato for their diabetic medications as the evidence is not very strong. Sweet potato is well tolerated, is tasty (esp the french fries) and should be enjoyed as a food rather than treated as a medication.

Vitamins for diabetic neuropathy

 Vitamins to treat diabetic neuropathy

The treatment of diabetic neuropathy is not satisfactory. Some anticonvulsants and antidepressants do work, but often they stop working in the long run. Many people have been turning to vitamin B for treatment. In one study, large doses of vitamin B did relieve the pain, but the study was sponsored by the manufacturer and so bias cannot be ruled out. 

You may want to try high doses of vitamin B, because It is relatively safe and see what happens. In the meantime, stop smoking, protect your feet and keep good control of your blood sugars.

Remember vitamins are a billion dollar business and people often make false claims to deceive desperately ill patients.

Surgery for corns

 I have had corns and calluses for many years. Recently my doctor said I needed surgery to realign my toes. Will this help me?

It is very rare that surgery is done for corns and calluses. In some cases of poorly aligned joints, the surgeon may correct the joint deformity. However, these are very unusual cases. In most people, surgery is the last choice of treatment. The majority of foot doctors suck and can make your symptoms worse. Surgery should never be undertaken until you have tried better shoes and shoe inserts. Unless you want a life of pain and suffering, avoid surgery for corns and calluses. Remember-all these professionals only want your money. 

Diabetic with corns

 I am a diabetic and am wondering if I should allow my foot doctor to remove my corns. Is this okay?
If you have diabetes, the last thing you want is for a foot doctor to muck around with your feet. Never let anyone touch your feet if you are diabetic is the best advice I can give you. If you have foot problems and are diabetic, see a vascular surgeon first and let him determine if the blood supply to your feet is okay. Otherwise, you can quickly end up having no toes and no feet. I have been involved in countless malpractice cases against foot doctors who never assessed the blood supply of diabetic patients-end result was amputation.

Corns and callus

Are there any home remedies I can use for my corns and calluses?

Sure, there are. Go to a pharmacy and get some pads or shoe inserts. Apply these pads to the areas where there is pressure on the skin. If you plan to use a sparing blade to remove the corns, always soak your feet first. This will make the corns softer. Use a pumice stone on a frequent bases, preferable soon after you have a shower. This will help prevent accumulation of tough skin. The one thing you should always do is apply a moisturizer several times a day. This will keep the skin soft and smooth. 

Finally, wear a decent pair of shoes and wear comfortable socks that can absorb moisture. Cotton socks are probably the best.

Laser hair removal

Can you tell me which is an effective laser for hair removal?

Laser hair removal is big business and people who sell this therapy make many false promises. Studies indicate that the best lasers for hair removal are the alexandrite and the diode laser. These lasers only work in 50% of people with light skin. Lasers that are useless or barely work for hair removal include the intense pulsed light, ND: YAG or ruby laser. Irrespective of which laser you are treated with, laser hair removal only lasts 3-6 months. 

There is no laser that can remove hair permanently- that is only in the imagination of the laser manufacturers. Side effects like pain, skin reddening, burnt hair, scarring, permanent skin discoloration are commonly reported with all lasers. For every one person who has a good result after laser hair removal, there are 10 others who had a shitty result.

Varicose veins and pregnancy

 I am a 31 year old female and have just delivered my first baby. I now have large rope like varicose veins. Is there any non-surgical treatment for these veins?

Yes, many women develop varicose veins during pregnancy. Once the baby is delivered and you begin to lose weight, the varicose vein will start to decrease in size but will not completely disappear. While surgery is one of the ways to remove varicose veins, they can recur. 

The best treatment which is effective, cheap and free of complications is a decent pair of compression stockings. The only negative about these stockings is that you  may feel warm during the summer. However, there are some excellent styles and designs of compression stockings which can be worn during the summer. If you cannot tolerate the stockings then surgery is your next option. There are many types of newer surgical procedure to remove varicose veins, but I would wait and see how you respond to stockings. 

In most cases, varicose veins that occur during pregnancy subside after delivery.

Hepatitis A vaccine

 Who needs a hepatitis A vaccine?

In general, the vaccine is recommended for people whose sexual lifestyle is very risky. Others include people with liver disease, those working with people who have the infection and going to places where there is an outbreak. There is a mythological perception that going to Africa and Asia will leads to immediate hepatitis A. This is only if you deviate from basic hygiene and clean life style. You are just as likely to get hepatitis A in Bangkok as you are in New York City. Healthcare workers recommend this vaccine only because they want your money. Just wash your vegetables and fruits, maintain good personal hygiene and do not partake in risky behavior-then you won't need anything.

Vaccination for travel

Do I need to be vaccinated if I go for a vacation to Bangkok?
No. Bangkok is a major metropolis with excellent hotels, just like the USA. The doctors in the USA are making a lot of money by inducing fear in travelers by telling them about exotic infections and crap. For the majority of travelers who go to hotels at holiday resorts all over the world, there is no need for vaccines. 

The world of vaccination for tourism is a billion dollar business. The only people who benefit from these bogus shots are the doctors. 

The only people who need vaccines are those healthcare workers going to work with sick people in an infected area. Others who need vaccines are those who indulge in gangbangs and orgies without any protection. Therefore, if you do not fall into that class, you do not need anything. 

Doctors certainly recommend the vaccines because they make money. Remember, medicine is a business. Some healthcare professionals will try to sell you a bunch of crap all the time.

Insect bite

I often break out into hives and itch when I am bitten by insects, especially during holidays in the tropics. Do you recommend anything?
Sure, just take some antihistamines and a topical corticosteroid. Both of these products are available over the counter. Wear protective garments when you go out which will help reduce the risk of an insect bite.

Acne in a female

 I am a 29-year-old female and have had bad acne all my life, I have tried many medications, but nothing works. Anything you can suggest?

Sure, try a birth control pill. The oral contraceptives can help settle down your acne. You may need to take the pill for a few months. Note that these pills will make you gain weight- so be sure to walk. If the birth control pills fail, then see a skin doctor and ask for a retinoid.

Acne Scars

Is there any good treatment for acne scars?

No, there is nothing like a pill or lotion that can get rid of your acne scars. Best advice- see a decent skin doctor. Listen to what he/she says and never rush in for any treatment. Some skin doctors are like car mechanics. They jack up the prices and make you come for multiple sessions which are prohibitively expensive. So if in doubt get a second opinion. 

The best treatment in my opinion for acne scars is laser. It will cost you a fortune. However, the laser will only work for superficial acne scars. Deep acne scars will not improve with any laser. You should also know that after spending 1000s of dollars on laser, there is a good possibility that the treatment may worsen your scar. So speak to someone who has had the treatment-this means another patient and not the doctor. Doctors always brag and lie about their results!

Back Acne

 I have some terrible acne like lesions on my back. Is there anything you can recommend?

First, you need to see a doctor if it is really acne. The retinoids like Accutane work great for acne on the back. You need to take the medication for at least 8-12 weeks to see the results. It is only available with a prescription. Try it –my personal belief is that retinoids are the best treatment for acne. Some doctors may not give a prescription to young women-because the drug can cause birth defects. There is also a topical formula which is also effective. Wear cotton garments and change clothes if you sweat a lot. Avoid use of fragrant containing deodorants.

Malaria vaccine

 Is there a vaccine to prevent malaria?

No, there is no vaccine for malaria. If you are traveling to a warm country, mosquitoes are a major problem. Unfortunately, nothing works against these creatures. There are sprays, lotions, potions, racquets, incense and so on -but nothing works. The only way to avoid mosquitoes is not to go to a warm humid country. In fact, we now have mosquito problems all over North America- so there is nowhere to hide.

Shots for Travel!

What type of protection do I need when traveling to Central America for a Vacation?

You need nothing as long as you are not going to eat out of the toilet or drink someone else’s piss. All these vaccines and tablets for travels is just a bunch of shit. Healthcare professionals have been scamming travelers with bogus injections, pills and vaccine for decades. If you are traveling to Central America, you will most likely stay at a resort. Most of these resorts are clean, and offer decent fresh food. Doctors keep on jabbing travelers with needles so that they can money. If you are just going for a week and are on a tour package, the only thing you need is medical insurance. That is all. 

It is very unlikely that you will get any infection at a resort. If you are going to be have sex with strangers, use a condom. The world of medicine is partly crooked with healthcare workers trying to scam naïve consumers of all their hard earned money with bogus travel shots.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Water pill for Carpal tunnel syndrome

Is a water pill effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

In this day and age, any health professional who prescribes a water pill for carpal tunnel syndrome must be a fool and dumb. There is zero evidence that water pills help people with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. In fact, the water pills will cause dehydration and alter your electrolyte balance.

Please if you have carpal tunnel syndrome and no money, just wear a hand splint at night and during the day perform some type of hand and wrist exercise. You do not have to see a expensive physical therapist for these exercises. There are plenty of free videos on the web. If you have money, I still recommend the same treatment- spend the money on a dog at a shelter.

Disc Prolapse Surgery

I have been told I have disc prolapse and need surgery. Any suggestions?
Sure, avoid it. Patients with disc prolapse are often scared by surgeons into quickly having back surgery. The surgeons usually claim that this is an urgent procedure and shit will happen if the patient does not undergo surgery-all this is just bullcrap.
So far, there is very little evidence to show that surgery for disc prolapse has benefits. Only a few selected patients with disc prolapse benefit from surgery-the majority end up worse.
If you do not have what is called cauda equina, you should think twice about disc prolapse surgery. No matter how great the surgeon is, the chances that you will get better are slim to none. 
 My advice: lose weight, stop smoking and exercise everyday.  This has been shown to relieve the pain and improve quality of your life.
PS- I am a surgeon and have seen 1000s of patients who have undergone back surgery- am not impressed at all.

Home remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I have carpal tunnel syndrome. Is there anything I can do at home?
Yes, for mild to moderate symptoms there are several options. If you have money, you may go for physical therapy, US therapy or take oral steroids. If you do not have money, buy a splint and wear it regularly at night. In the day time, you can perform wrist and hand exercises.
There are many FREE videos on the WEB as to the types of exercises you can perform. Treatments like vitamins, acupuncture and steroidal injections are worthless and a waste of money. In the mean time, lose weight.
Do not spend money buying ergonomic devices that are hyped to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Evidence shows that these devices are nothing more than a swindle.
Surgery is never the first treatment of carpal tunnel and is almost never recommended for mild to moderate symptoms. Even if you do undergo surgery, the results suck.

Adapalene for Acne

I have moderate acne and have been prescribed adapalene by my doctor. Does this medication work?

Adalapene is a relatively new topical vitamin A derivative, which is used to treat mild to moderate ace. First it will not work if you have acne scars or severe acne. For those who have mild to moderate acne, the drug is excellent. Do not expect results in a few days. It often takes a few weeks for the maximal benefit. The product is also sold as Differin and Epiduo. To use it, apply the gel once a day. If you apply it more often, you will develop severe skin dryness and peeling of skin.

All people who use Adalapene should understand that initially the drug will make your skin look worse, but with time, the defective skin cells will fall and be replaced by newer, smoother and younger looking skin. Avoid going out in the sun when using this medication.

Yoga to tighten facial skin

Does "yoga face-lift" help tighten skin?

To be honest no one knows. The people who market this technique claim that yoga can tighten the facial muscle and improve skin tone. I think it is all bogus. Yoga does no such crap. Do you really believe that sitting on a mat for a few hours everyday can tighten your arse? If you believe this crap, then you are the right candidate for a yoga facelift.

Slash and Dash Face lift

What is a weekend face-lift procedure?

Anytime you hear a “quick” or a “mini face lift”, run or leave the country. These gimmicks are run by doctors turned into businessmen. In general, these are the “SLASH and DASH” surgeons who perform surgery on you on a weekend and then disappear. You go somewhere for a weekend, where you get slashed with a knife and by Monday the surgeon has dashed.

Best advice, anytime you hear of a quick cosmetic procedure on TV, it means bad news for the patient. Avoid such doctors because they are more into business and care less about your health.

Face lift Surgery

Is face-lift a safe procedure?

Even though there are some great cosmetic surgeons, the procedure has the potential to cause many serious complications. You may develop scars which are prominent, your skin sensation may change because the nerves may be damaged. You may experience permanent hair loss. The most serious is injury to the facial nerve, which can weaken your facial muscles-this is a permanent complication. 

My best advice is to seek a good cosmetic surgeon. There are many good plastic surgeons and like everything else, there are plenty of bad ones. So the most important thing is the selection of your surgeon. Face lift surgery is elective and you should never rush into it. Always back off if you feel pushed.

Air in the vagina

My BF always loves to blow air on my vagina and clitoris, is this harmful?

No this is harmless. There are reports that some air may travel along side the uterus and end up in your abdomen. However, this is not harmful. It has been known ever since the science of radiology was developed.

There are some stupid non-healthcare professionals who believe this air can get into the blood vessels-this is impossible. These morons who give advice on the love channel do not understand the difference between what is free air in the abdomen and air in a blood vessel. Air does not get into a blood vessel by simply blowing in the vagina. When air does get inside the abdomen, it may cause some discomfort near the lower rib cage. This will dissipate in a few days.

For air embolism to occur, you need some type of trauma to a blood vessel. Unless the BF is a blood sucking vampire (and also likes to blow air), the chances of air embolism is ZERO. Please stop reading medical advice given by wanna be doctors. Continue with your oral sex life as it is harmless and fun.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Weight gain after bariatric surgery

Is regaining of weight common after weight loss surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery can be an effective treatment for obesity, and most people do lose weight after the procedure. But you'll always be at risk of regaining weight you do lose, even years later. The surgery does not suppress the appetite center in the brain and hence food cravings are not reduced after all types of bariatric procedures.

To help reach your weight-loss goal and prevent weight regain, it's crucial to make lifestyle changes along with having gastric bypass surgery.

If you begin to regain weight after gastric bypass surgery, talk to your doctor. You may need a thorough evaluation that includes medical, psychological and lifestyle factors that could contribute to weight gain.

Weight gain after lap surgery

I recently had bypass surgery for weight loss. I did lose some weight initially but have regained it all back in 4 months. What now?

Well you are in tough s..t. Once weight gain recurs after surgery, it means two things- either the surgeon did a terrible job or that you did not stop eating. What you have to understand is that weight loss surgery does not suppress the appetite center and thus, almost every does regain weight. 

The only way to prevent weight gain is to enter into an exercise program. I do not recommend undergoing revision surgery- it is fraught with complications and you could be worse off, Best advice, start to walk and if you remain motivated and determined, you will lose the weight

Microcurrent for saggy eyelids

Does microcurrent treatment work for saggy eyelids?

No, another one of those bogus treatments. Please do not even think about this treatment. If your eyelids sag, see a good surgeon and get what is known a blepharoplasty. The only think about microcurrent treatment is that you will be known as a sucker. Pure gimmick invented by business people-some of whom are doctors. Complete waste of money.

Ultrasound to tighten skin

Does Ulthea Ultrasound help tighten facial skin?

No, it is just another gimmick that some plastic surgeons use to scam patients; it is a bogus technique that does jack shit. Pressing an ultrasound probe on your body does absolutely nothing. All the reports about skin tightening by ultrasound are published by manufacturers and doctors who know more how to make money. 

Please stop wasting your money on this crap. Any surgeon who recommends this therapy is downright scammer.

Please do not be fooled by the doctor’s before and after shoots, they are all fudged. There are 1000s of reports from patients who claim that this technique is SHIT.

Cost of Face lift

How much does a face lift cost?

It generally depends on how much you are getting done. But expect to pay anywhere from $7,000-$25,000. Do understand that there are no refunds in plastic surgery. Remember many Americans go down south to have their plastic surgery, while the surgery is cheap in Mexico and Costa Rica; the quality is sometimes not as good. And there are many horrors stories. So if you are going to have the surgery, get it done where you can be followed up afterwards, I can tell you one fact- almost 50 % of patients who get a face lift fell even more depressed afterwards-because of the poor result. So think twice before you get it done. There is nothing wrong with aging naturally-it happens to all of us. In some cases, the person does not need a face-lift but a Prozac.

Face lift

Can you tell me what exactly is a face-lift?

Face-lift is a cosmetic procedure. Despite the name it is an extensive procedure and should not be taken lightly. During the procedure, done while you are asleep, the surgeon removes the excess skin on your face and then repositions the contour lines. Most people also undergo a neck lift at the same time.

Face lift not only make you look young but boost self confidence . The procedure can take anywhere from 2-6 hours. Complications and f..k ups are very common during the procedure. It is a very expensive procedure and should never be done in young people. It is usually undertaken in older people who wish to get rid of their facial lines and creases. Prozac is a much cheaper alternative if you do not have money.


Recently I was in the ED and was told I had pleurisy. What is that?

Pleurisy is somewhat of a bogus diagnosis when doctors really do not know what the hell is wrong with your chest. It may present with pain when you breath and your chest bones and ribs may be sore. Some people also have a dry cough; there is no real test to make a diagnosis. You can take Motrin or Advil for it. But the most important thing is to make sure that you do not have anything in your lungs- so please do get a chest x-ray and make sure you get the results before you assume it is pleurisy. Pleurisy is a benign disorder and no one knows why it happens. It just disappears on its own.


I have been told I have a ganglion on top of my right wrist. The surgeon insists I have surgery. Any opinion?

Yes, dump your surgeon. Ganglion is a very common lesion that develops on top of the wrist. These lesions resolve spontaneously and in 99% of cases, cause no symptoms. If you have pain, then it is not the ganglion. If this ganglion does not bother you, just leave it alone; there is more harm from surgery.

Even if the surgeon removes, there is a chance it may come back. Best advice, keep away from the surgeon and move on with life. The only reason the surgeon wants to remove it is because he/she can make money from you. There is no medical reason for removal of a ganglion if you have no symptoms.

Herbs to dissolve gallstones

Are there any herbs to dissolve gallstones?

There are many Chinese herbs that are said to dissolve gallstones. However, review of the literature indicates that they do jackshit. Complete waste of money. There is an agent called urosdecholic acid. This agent can dissolve very small cholesterol stones, but it takes several years. Definitely not practical or cheap.

If you have no symptoms from your gallstones, leave them alone. Lose weight, avoid a fatty diet and this may get rid of your stones. Surgeons often claim that leaving gallstones alone can lead to complications-this is BS. They only say this to scare patients into having unnecessary surgery-so that they can make money. 

While surgery to remove gallbladder is relatively safe, serious complications continue to occur on a weekly basis-many of which are never reported.

Squeezing testes

My BF has premature ejaculation; I heard that I can prevent this by squeezing his testicles. Is this recommended?

Women do not have testicles so they probably do not understand how sensitive the organ is. It is the Achilles heel of all men. Squeezing the testes will not only prevent premature ejaculation but you may need to take him to the emergency room afterwards to treat the traumatized testes. A real bad idea that should not be practiced.

Weight gain from semen

Can I gain weight by swallowing semen?

Well, how much semen are you going to swallow? An average adult male will ejaculate about 1-3 cc of semen which contains about 30-40 calories. For you to gain weight, you must participate in an orgy where everyone comes in your mouth. I doubt you can gain much weight this way-so continue swallowing and enjoy the sex.

Small penis?

I am a male with small feet. Does that mean that people can tell I have a small penis?

No, there is no external part of your body that correlates with the size of your penis. Only stupidity.

Ice cream on the condom

Recently me and my GF have been adding ice cream and honey on the condom so that she can enjoy oral sex and also have adequate lubricant. Is this safe?

Well, you should know food is consumed by the mouth and not by the vagina or the penis. Adding sweet foods to the vagina only adds to the risk of an infection. Definitely not recommended but widely practiced.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pain after joint surgery

I had spinal fusion done a few months ago. Now whenever I stand or walk, I get severe pains, which I never had. Is this just the recovery period?

No, it means the surgeon has botched the procedure. Having pain months after surgery is not part of recovery. Have you have any type of imaging study done after the procedure? I would recommend you see a neurologist and determine where the pain is coming from. Keep all your records and maintain a log of what has happened. 

You may need an EMG study to see if the surgeon has caused injury to a nerve. If this is the case, go and see a malpractice lawyer. Other than taking pain meds, I am not sure what else you can do. Just another reason why back surgery should be avoided, unless it is life threatening.

Another botched neck procedure

After my father had neck surgery, he could not speak clearly and his voice was always hoarse. Is this related to the surgery?

Yes, another win for the surgeon. The surgeon has most likely damaged the nerve going to the vocal cords. This is a serious and life long injury. I would recommend seeing an ENT surgeon and getting him/her look at the vocal cords.

The injury is relatively common and usually caused by incompetent surgeons who cannot tell the difference between a nerve and a blood vessel. 

If the vocal cord is paralyzed, I can assure you life long damages. See a malpractice lawyer as soon the vocal cord paralysis is confirmed.

Joint Fusion surgery

Would you recommend ankle fusion surgery?

I am not sure of all the details but you should know that fusion is usually a last ditch surgery. The joint is fused to eliminate pain. However, you will not be able to have any movements in the ankle. If you are young and active, this is something you should consider before jumping on the operating room table. I would definitely get a second opinion. 

Fusion is done for several arthritic joints when there are no other options left. I can tell you right now; it will relieve the pain, but most people regret it because you cannot move the joint-and this will affect your work and lifestyle.

Carpal tunnel surgery

I am going to have carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. What is the recovery period?

In general 4-6 weeks. The surgery is painful and your hand will remain swollen for  a few days. You will need pain medications afterwards. After the pain subsides, you will need to enroll in some type of exercise program. 

Think twice about the surgery, as success after carpal tunnel is rare and not guaranteed.

Cartilage replacement

Is cartilage replacement surgery being done?

As a routine procedure- the answer is NO. Replacement of cartilage is being considered as an option to treat patients with osteoarthritis. So far, this is experimental. Cartilage replacement is a complex procedure and unlikely to be available anytime soon. For end stage osteoarthritis, total knee is the only viable option.


Will glucosamine pill help my arthritis pain?

The honest answer NO. Glucosamine is available in many health food stores and many healthcare practitioners advocate its use. Unfortunately, there is ZERO clinical data indicating that it works. It is a complete waste or money and should be considered a fraud. 

Never go to any healthcare provider who recommends glucosamine for arthritis-either he/she has shares in the product or they are stupid. Do you really believe for one second that after eating a pill containing cartilage, it will selectively deposit in your knee joint? 

Wishful thinking that is perpetuated by dishonest healthcare professionals.

Epidural injections

Recently I was diagnosed with low back pain and was recommended an epidural injection. Does this help?

First, let me give you some facts. There are more swindles in medicine than in Wall Street. Doctors have been swindling patients for centuries. And epidural injection is just one more example. It is completely bullshit. 

It may help relieve pain for a day but the majority of people find no benefit. It is not a cure for low back pain and often you will be suckered into enrolling for multiple injections over a period of a year. 

I personally do not recommend epidural injections. If you have low back pain, reduce your weight, and exercise. The more you go and see orthopedists/neurosurgeons for your back pain, the more likely it is that you will soon be disabled. 

These healthcare workers have only goal in mind- how to sucker you into some surgery or administer bullshit injections.

Cortisone shots not working!

I recently had a cortisone shot in my shoulder. It is now 6 weeks and I have seen no difference in the pain. When will the pain relief occur?

To be honest, you have been suckered. Cortisone shots make millions of dollars for surgeons and are done frequently. 

In most cases, these injections do diddly squat. In general, after a cortisone shot you see the benefit at 2-3 weeks but many people never see any difference. Countless reports indicate that cortisone shots are useless. 

If by 6 weeks you have seen no difference in your pain, the first thing I would do is dump this surgeon. Go to a doctor who has your welfare in mind and not your finances. 

If you are ever recommended cortisone shots, get a second opinion, because more likely than not, it is done only for financial reasons.

Cortisone shot for joint pain

Can a cortisone shot be injected in my wrist?

In medicine sometimes the only criteria for a procedure is your ability to pay. If you have money, doctors will inject cortisone anywhere you like. 

If I were you, I would think twice about getting a cortisone shot. The overall benefits are mild and the procedure is expensive. Many people see no difference. 

Unfortunately, there are some desperate people who are willing to try anything for pain relief and then there are also many suckers-who never heed good medical advice.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nicotine lozenges

Can nicotine lozenges help me quit smoking?
Nicotine lozenges are like hard candy and contain only a tiny amount of nicotine. As you suck on the lozenges, nicotine enters the blood stream and is said to decrease the urge to smoke. There are several types of nicotine lozenges available in different doses and flavors. One needs to suck on at least 20-30 lozenges a day to decrease the craving for nicotine.
Nicotine lozenges are one of the biggest frauds in the pharmaceutical industry. You can suck on all day and night - the only thing you will get is heart burn, dyspepsia, night time reflux, throat irritation and hiccups to last you a life time. Moreover, the lozenges can mess up your dentures, discolor your teeth and make your breath smell like crap. If you want these lozenges to work, you have to suck on them all the time and you cannot eat for 15 minutes before and after use. The minimum time you have to use the lozenges is 12 weeks.
So do the lozenges work?
Hell no, these lozenges suck. Less than 1/100,000 people quit smoking with lozenges. Finally, these darn lozenges are not cheap. If you have any common sense, quit cold turkey. It is hard, but still the most effective and cheapest way to stop smoking. Anyone who buys lozenges to quit smoking is flushing his/her hard earned money down the toilet and is also very stupid.

Valtrex for genital herpes

Does valtrex work for genital herpes?

Valtrex has also been used to treat individuals who have genital herpes. Individuals who have recurrent outbreaks of shingles or herpes are also frequently treated with valtrex. However, you should know that valtrex only controls the symptoms but does not cure the infection or prevent  transmission of the infection to your sexual partner(s).

Thus, even though you take valtrex, you should practice safe sex behaviors to limit the chances of transmitting herpes to the partner, even if one you have no symptoms. The best advice is to use a condom made of latex. Individuals who have an active outbreak of herpes, should refrain from have sexual contact until all the blisters have cleared.

Valtrex only works if it is taken within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. If you take valtrex later, you may as well throw your money down the toilet. It is an expensive drug and many people show little or no response.

Pink eye home remedy

Is there something I can do at home for a pink eye?

Sure. As long as the diagnosis is confirmed there are several things you can do.

Application of warm compresses can be soothing and can help relive the itch and redness. The warm compresses can be a moist towel which is applied to the eyelids for 20 mins a few times day. Sometime a cool compress may be required in allergic conjunctivitis. If only one eye is affected, one should try and not used the contaminated cloth on the other eye. Moreover, after using the cloth it should be discarded .

There are a variety of sterile eye drops cures for pink eye. Some of these drops only contain saline or water and yet other contains antihistamines. These drips are useful for people who have itching or dry eyes

All individuals who have a pink eye should refrain from wearing contact lenses. In most cases, this means avoiding contact lenses for at least 3-4 weeks. Even when contact lenses are worn, it must be thoroughly washed before and after each use.