Sunday, January 5, 2014

Disc Prolapse Surgery

I have been told I have disc prolapse and need surgery. Any suggestions?
Sure, avoid it. Patients with disc prolapse are often scared by surgeons into quickly having back surgery. The surgeons usually claim that this is an urgent procedure and shit will happen if the patient does not undergo surgery-all this is just bullcrap.
So far, there is very little evidence to show that surgery for disc prolapse has benefits. Only a few selected patients with disc prolapse benefit from surgery-the majority end up worse.
If you do not have what is called cauda equina, you should think twice about disc prolapse surgery. No matter how great the surgeon is, the chances that you will get better are slim to none. 
 My advice: lose weight, stop smoking and exercise everyday.  This has been shown to relieve the pain and improve quality of your life.
PS- I am a surgeon and have seen 1000s of patients who have undergone back surgery- am not impressed at all.