Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pink eye home remedy

Is there something I can do at home for a pink eye?

Sure. As long as the diagnosis is confirmed there are several things you can do.

Application of warm compresses can be soothing and can help relive the itch and redness. The warm compresses can be a moist towel which is applied to the eyelids for 20 mins a few times day. Sometime a cool compress may be required in allergic conjunctivitis. If only one eye is affected, one should try and not used the contaminated cloth on the other eye. Moreover, after using the cloth it should be discarded .

There are a variety of sterile eye drops cures for pink eye. Some of these drops only contain saline or water and yet other contains antihistamines. These drips are useful for people who have itching or dry eyes

All individuals who have a pink eye should refrain from wearing contact lenses. In most cases, this means avoiding contact lenses for at least 3-4 weeks. Even when contact lenses are worn, it must be thoroughly washed before and after each use.