Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have been diagnosed with H pylori. How long should I remain on the antibiotic therapy to get rid of this organism?

About 14 days. Some physicians do prescribe 7 days of medications, but current literature indicates 14 days is required to get rid of the bug.

Semen on the face

During sex, my BF often ejaculates on my face. Is this harmful?

No just, wash it off. Semen is a benign fluid as long as it is not infected with a bacteria or a virus. Do not forget to wash the linen also, as the smell of semen is potent.

Horny female

When does a female feel most horny?

In general, just after the cycle. The first 7 days when the hormonal surge occurs, it makes a female horny. 

In some cases, if you shower the female with lots of affection, love, hugs, buy them presents, take them on frequent vacations, do not cheat on them and maintain them- they will always be horny for YOU.

Tongue ring for better oral sex

I want to get my tongue pierced so that I can offer better sex to my BF. Will it help?

Are you a retard?

Tongue rings are just a waste of money.  They do not look aesthetically pleasing or sexy.

Tongue rings do not increase sexual pleasure or the duration. Save your money for something else. In addition, tongue rings are not appealing and you may have a hard time getting a decent job. Getting a tongue pierced is not only painful but expensive. And if you go and get the procedure done at a spa or the corner store, who knows what other complications you may develop.

Women do not realize that just licking the penis with a tongue (with or without a ring) does not do much for the men; it is the sucking that counts.

Stone in my bile duct

Recently I was told I had a stone in my bile duct. The surgeon says I should undergo surgery. Are there any other options?

Yes. First, change your surgeon. The first choice to remove stones in the bile duct is ERCP. This is a procedure with a scope and most GI doctors perform it. However better get someone who is experienced. You will be admitted overnight and discharged the next day. With a scope, a basket it used to remove the stone. If this fails, you can use surgery. Surgery is not the first choice for removal of bile duct stones and it seem that this surgeon only appears interested in giving you a big scar and wanting your money. Dump him/her.

HBO for a diabetic ulcer

I am a diabetic with a non-healing foot ulcer. I have been told to go for HBO therapy. Will this help?

First, if your blood supply to the leg has not been assessed, you should not go for this therapy. HBO is an overprescribed treatment by doctors simply to swindle patients off their hard earned money. Asides from a few disorders such as CO poisoning, the role of HBO in medicine is  not defined.

If I were you, I would seek consultation from a vascular surgeon who does not own an HBO device. Let him/her assess your leg. If you have no blood going to the foot, there is no treatment that will work.

Medicine is full of charlatans who prey on desperate people who are ill.  These healthcare workers often provide false hopes for one reason-how to scam a patient’s bank account!. If you cannot find a decent surgeon, write back to me as I am a vascular surgeon and will help you get the assessment you need.

Ice pads for migraine

Do you recommend ice pads for migraine?

First, it should be understood that ice pads are not a cure for migraine but they do provide relief. In most cases, the pain relief is immediate.

Second, the medications for migraines are not always reliable, have many side effects and are prohibitively expensive. Therefore, a cheaper alternative like an ice pad surely cannot be a bad option even if it works only for a few hours.

For those who are not sure of these gimmicks, simple take a bag of frozen peas next time you have migraine and apply it. If it works, then go ahead and buy the ice pack. Cooling is not a new remedy in medicine; it was one of the first therapies for pain way before drugs were manufactured.

There really is no downside to applying a cooling pad to the forehead when you have a headache. It may make you feel a wee bit cold but at least the headache will be gone. This is a lot better than forking out a few hundred dollars for an emergency room visit, getting a prescription for pills that may not work and which have many side effects.

Ice packs for migraine

Can ice packs help relieve migraine?

As far as clinical studies are concerned, there are none. All the data on ice pads and packs are anecdotal reports. You either believe these reports or you don’t. Remember, manufacturers of these products are also in the business of making money and like pharmaceutical companies tend to exaggerate the benefits.

From internet reports, it appears that ice packs appear to help at least 50-70 percent of individuals with migraine. The pain relief is significant but not long lasting.

Psoriasis and diabetes

Is psoriasis a risk for developing diabetes?

Psoriasis is a relatively common skin disorder in the North American population. Now there is some evidence that links severe cases of psoriasis as a risk for development of type 2 diabetes.

This latest study from the University of Pennsylvania reveals that incidental diabetes is present in at least 14% of patients with this skin disorder.

Estimates suggest that close to 115,000 more patients are at risk for diabetes each year based on the severity of their psoriasis. The mild cases of psoriasis are less likely to result in type 2 diabetes. At the moment, these are just observational findings and no direct link between psoriasis and diabetes has been established.

Nevertheless, these are not trivial findings because type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder with numerous complications. Thus, patients with psoriasis should be highly encouraged to lower their risk of type 2 diabetes by making changes in their lifestyle and undergoing early screening for signs of insulin resistance.

Pregnancy after vasectomy

Can a pregnancy occur after a vasectomy?

Vasectomy is a great alternative for a couple where the female may be unable to take the oral contraceptive pill.  Before undertaking vasectomy, it is most important to discuss one complication: the failure rate of vasectomy as a contraceptive method. Pregnancy occurs after a vasectomy in most cases because the couple starts to have sexual intercourse before azoospermia (absent sperm) has been documented on two separate semen samples. 

Despite the importance of verifying the lack of sperm in semen after vasectomy, many couples do not comply with the instructions for semen analysis. The other reason for still having sperm after a vasectomy is if the surgeon screwed up and never ligated the duct in the first place.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Baking soda to remove corns

Can lemon and baking soda help remove corns and calluses?

There are hundreds of folklore remedies for corns and calluses. Some involve applying lemon, baking soda, frog skin, mango pulp, Garlic power, dog’s piss, cat’s poop, snake’s gallbladder, cow’s urine and so on. I have no idea if these therapies work. Since we live in a free country, you are free to try them. 

Personally, I would invest in a decent pair of shoes and buy a soft shoe inserts. Avoid a foot doctor because more likely than not, you will be scammed into buying expensive devices which are no better than what you can get in any shoe store.

Orthotics for corns

I regularly develop corns and calluses. Do I need to but custom orthotics or will any soft pad do?

The majority of custom appliances in orthotics are rip offs. If you have recurrent corns and calluses, just wear decent shoe wear and you can buy cotton pads and shoe inserts from any shoe store. These work just as good as any custom made device. Custom made orthotics devices are for people who have money to burn and like to consider themselves sophisticated. 

There is a major scam in medicine run by some foot doctors who offer bullshit orthotics for everyone who walks into their clinic. These devices are prohibitively expensive and do diddly squat.

Diabetic and corns

I am a diabetic. Does one need antibiotics when removing corns or calluses?

Corns and calluses are basically thickened skin and can either be cut or gradually polished gradually with a pumice stone. There is no need for antibiotics unless your provider has cut very deep and caused an infection. If you are a diabetic, I would not recommend going to spa or salon for removal of corns. Even a small infection can quickly turn florid and result in an amputation of a digit.

You should know that many of these places re-use instruments and have no concept of sterility-meaning they can’t tell the mouth from the arse. Definitely not recommended.

Omega fatty acids for Schizophrenia

Do omega fatty acids help people with schizophrenia?

No, there is a belief that in schizophrenia there may be subtle changes in the nerve make-up and structure. Some experts recommend omega fatty acids for schizophrenics. Many studies have looked at these fatty acids for the treatment of numerous health disorders-bottom line- they do no thing more than a sugar pill.

The treatment of schizophrenia is with the use of antipsychotic drugs. While the drugs do work, they also have undesirable side effects. Schizophrenics have little choice-because without treatment, they create havoc and make life miserable for everyone around them.

If you have money to waste, you can consume as much omega fatty acids as you want- because they are safe but do not expect miracles.

Garlic for high blood pressure

Can garlic lower blood pressure?

Millions of people consume kilograms of garlic in the belief that this flavoring agent has healing properties. Most of garlic’s health benefits are illusionary and made up by the manufacturers. Several studies have shown that garlic does diddly squat for high blood pressure. 

It is safe for consumption but should not replace current medications. Just like the pharmaceutical industry, the health supplement industry has one goal in mind- how to scam desperate people who are ill or want to be well.

One thing garlic will do –give you bad breath that will last an entire day.

Herbs for arthritis

Are there any herbs to treat arthritic joint pain?

Just walk into any health food store and ask for arthritis herbs- you will be shown 1000s of herbs. Unfortunately, the majority of herbs have not been evaluated; many are fakes and some have even been spiked with real pharmaceutical medications.  

One herb that may work is avocado soya bean, but the pain relief is mild. Others like capsaicin, tipi tea and willow bark are a waste of money. You may as well throw your money down the toilet and drink PISS.

Back surgery effectiveness

Is Surgery an effective remedy for people with back pain?

Back pain affects many people in the prime of their life. The pain can often be disabling and usually leads to loss of income or job. Many people with back pain are unsatisfied with the currently available treatments. What works for one patient, often does not work in other individuals. Even when a treatment works, for some unknown reason, it stops working in future. When drug therapy and exercise fail, many people are referred to surgeons.

There are many types of back surgeries but overall, the results are not impressive. The majority of patients do not have pain relief and neither do they improve functionally.

Bottom line- back surgery is hazardous to health and should be avoided unless it is for a life threatening condition. Some of the surgeons who perform these procedures are not only technically incompetent but often do not have the patient’s welfare in mind. Where possible, always get a second opinion about back surgery and even then-should be rejected as the chances of you getting better are slim to none.

Cream to prevent STDs

Is there any antibiotic cream available to prevent STDs?

Many microbicidal creams have been developed, but all have failed. These antibiotic creams have been impregnated on condoms and some can even be applied inside the vagina, prior to sexual intercourse. None of them have worked well and all cause severe irritation. 

If you want to avoid STDs, you have two choices. First is to use a condom, but this is not 100% effective and second is to avoid sex completely- a notion that does not have wide appeal.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pink Patch for Weight loss

Does the Pink Patch work?

Of course, it does not. 

Consumers should know several things about the pink patch. First, the FDA does not approve it and there is not a single study on the pink patch and its efficacy. There are no guidelines and no exercises recommended and the ingredients in the formula have never been shown to induce weight loss in any living creature. 

By the way, the pink patch costs nearly $50 a month. Even though the pink patch site mentions of a refund, many people online complain that they have never received their money back. Almost every review on cyberspace indicates that pink patch is an ineffective method for weight loss.

Final point

 The bottom line is that the pink patch is just another swindle. There is no scientific data that indicates effectiveness of the pink patch as a weight loss aid. Moreover, any weight loss product that does not recommend exercise or mentions what you can/cannot eat is always CRAP. Therefore, all you young women who want to lose weight, save your hard earn money and stop falling for such B.S. weight loss gimmicks. The only think you will ever get from the pink patch are the “blues.” 

If you really want to lose weight, start by walking more and eating less. Walking is safe, free and of course, you also get to enjoy nature.

Pink patch ingredients

What are the ingredients in the pink patch that help people lose weight?

The pink patch contains some exotic seaweed, focus vesiculosis, which has been touted to decrease fat by increasing your metabolism. There is also yerba mate, 5-HTP, zinc, flaxseed oil, lecithin and carnitine (PS-None of these ingredients have ever been shown to help anyone lose weight). The manufacturers do not even recommend exercise with this patch, nor is there a limit on your calorie intake.

Pink Patch for weight loss

What exactly is the Pink Patch for weight loss?

One thing that should be said about the weight loss industry-it does come up with very exotic products to help people lose weight.

Most of the previous weight loss treatments have focused on pills, tablets, lotions and potions. Now we have patches – just like birth control patches. You simply apply the pink patch to your skin and easily lose 3-5 pounds.

The pink patch is applied to your arm once day and the manufacturers claim that it inhibits the appetite center so you never feel hungry. The substances released from the patch work 24 hours, burn of your excess fat and keep your mood upbeat. The pink patch follows along the same lines as the hoodia patch and is intended for young women who quickly want to shed a few pounds every week. You simply apply the patch every morning, drink a gallon of water and avoid caffeine-containing beverages.

Vasectomy for all Men?

Who should undergo a vasectomy?

Whenever elective surgery of the gonads is concerned, spontaneous one sided decisions should never be made without some thought and knowledge. Before undertaking vasectomy, numerous factors have to be taken into account. As with any method of contraception, it is essential to speak to your spouse/mate/partner. Generally, vasectomy is procedure undertaken by married men. Single men rarely choose this form of contraception and it is almost incumbent on the surgeon to decline this procedure in this group of individuals as the procedure is permanent and impossible to reverse.

The decision about vasectomy should be made with thought given to the fact the procedure is permanent and that having a family in future is remote or nil. It is important to seek the advice of your physician or health care provider about the pros and cons about the procedure before making a hasty decision.

Thinking about Vasectomy

I an a 27 year old male have been thinking about a vasectomy. When should I get It done?

Doctors advise that vasectomy be only undertaken  by men who are prepared to accept the fact that they will no longer be able to father a child. The decision should be considered along with other contraceptive options and discussed with a professional counselor. Men who are married or in a serious relationship should also discuss the issue with their partners. There are many men who have had vasectomy prematurely and gone on to regret it. The regret is never about its efficacy as a contraceptive, but that it is a permanent procedure, which is very difficult to reverse.

Do not believe any surgeon who says he/she can reverse a vasectomy. The surgery is difficult, expensive and most people have a poor result. 

Prescription medication for weight loss

Can I lose weight with a prescription medication?

There is no question that one can lose weight with prescription drugs. Drugs for weight loss have been around for decades and the majority do work. However, these prescription weight loss drugs do have certain side effects and complications that may not be desirable. The older weight loss drugs like amphetamines and fen-fen were excellent for weight loss but were also associated with serious heart complications, drug dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

Weight loss drugs are only ideal for short term use and can help one lose weight fast. However, these drugs are not meant for everyone and most physicians only prescribe them for individuals who have weight related health problems.
One should always start to lose weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise. After a trial of 3-6 months, if this has not worked then perhaps one should seek weight loss drugs. There are tons of herbs, lotions and potions on cyberspace for weight loss. The majority of these products are fakes, scams and shams. So save your money and avoid the disappointments. If you are going to spend money, use it on something that works.

Weight loss medication

Who can use a weight loss medication?

Because of safety issues, prescription weight loss drugs are not meant for cosmetic use.  Individuals who simply want to look trim and slim are definitely not candidates for these drugs. The prescription drugs are for those individuals who are unable to achieve a healthy weight through diet and exercise and often have health related problems because of excess weight.

Other criteria for weight loss drugs include a body mass index that must be greater than 25 and you must have a medical disorder like diabetes, hypertension or sleep apnea.

However, you should not worry about being able to get a prescription. There are 100s of doctors who work in weight loss clinics, who do not give a shit about criteria or the patient. As long as you pay for the consult, you will walk away with a prescription.

Alli for weight loss

Does Alli help people lose weight?

Alli is the reduced strength of xenical and is often recommended with a low fat diet and regular exercise. The manufacturer claims that Alli can help you lose 2-3 pounds a month. However, the drug does have annoying side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, diarrhea, greasy stools and soiling of your panties or underwear (not a great side effect if you are trying to be sexy and trim).

Unfortunately there is no ideal medication for weight loss and drugs should not be a replacement for changes in your eating habits or life style. When combined with an exercise program, Alli may help you lose weight. Remember, while all drug do help you shed of a few pounds, you will rapidly gain the weight back on if you stop exercising.

Before you consider weight loss drugs, see if you can change your life style by eating healthy and incorporating exercise. If you can maintain these changes, then you may not even need to use these expensive drugs.

Ginkgo for memory improvement

Can ginkgo improve memory?

There is also some evidence that suggest that ginkgo can help improve memory, concentration and cognition in patients with mild or early stage dementia. The studies so far have been done only in a few people and long term results remain unknown. ginkgo has been of no value in patients with moderate to severe dementia.

In Europe ginkgo has been widely used to treat patients who have had strokes and the data are difficult to interpret. Some reports claim that patients with mild stroke do improve after consuming ginkgo whereas other studies show no response. More studies are needed before ginkgo can be recommended for treating stroke patients.

In healthy people, ginkgo has not been shown to boost memory. If you are dumb, then you will remain so for the rest of your life.  There is no magic pill to improve memory-everything on the market is simply designed to scam DUMB consumers.

Safety of Ginkgo

Is Ginkgo safe for regular consumption?

Ginkgo is a fairly safe product when used in small amounts. However a few reported side effects include development of allergies, skin rashes and blisters. The other side effects include headache, nausea and abdominal cramps.

Bleedings is the most common reported side effect and the herb must be stopped prior to any type of surgery or dental procedure. There are also reports that ginkgo can severely drop blood sugar levels in diabetic and cause hypoglycemic attacks. ginkgo has not been thoroughly evaluated in pregnant women and those who are breast feeding.

For the moment, low dose of ginkgo can be safely taken by individuals who have claudication and mild Alzheimer's dementia. However, one has to be realistic and practical-too much expectations in one supplement usually only brings disappointment.

Plain water is still the best beverage

Plain water may help prevent diabetes

With so many types of beverages on the market, consumers are often confused, which is good or bad. Manufacturers of these beverages always make it sound as if their product is more thirst quenching, has least calories, and tastes great.

Now a study from the University of North Carolina School of Public Health led by Dr Hu, suggests that women who select plain water instead of sweetened beverages like fruit juice or soda have a slightly lower risk of developing diabetes. These researchers followed close to 80,000 women for more than a decade.

The most obvious finding was that adding water to the sweetened beverage did not make much difference but replacing the sugary drink with water was helpful in lowering blood sugars.

It has been known for many years that drinking sugary products like colas is not good for diabetes. Moreover, drinking colas and sweetened juice also adds calories to the diet. Nevertheless, consumers seem to be addicted to these drinks, spending billions of dollars each year.

The researchers indicate that if women replaced one cup of soda or juice with one cup of plain water, the risk of diabetes fell by at least 7-8 percent.

The bottom line is that water is still the best calorie free drink for everyone. If for any reason one finds water too plain, you can always squeeze some lime or lemon instead of the sugar. This way, your thirst is quenched, you do not develop high sugars nor add calories-, and it is a lot cheaper than any cola.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tennis elbow

Are there other treatments for tennis elbow, besides surgery?
Today, a number of newer techniques are being used in the management of tennis elbow. These include:

-  Ultrasound guided massage therapy
-  Acupuncture and acupressure
-  Low energy shock wave treatment
- Injection of botulinum toxin
- Orthotic devices
- Use of topical nitric oxide

All these treatments are expensive and no matter where you go, the provider will give you some B.S as to why you should select it. Worse, you will be enrolled for many sessions of therapy. 

Best advice; if you have tennis elbow do some of your own active and passive exercises at home. There are ample exercises listed on cyberspace and you do not even need to buy a book. 

Use common sense. If you have a swollen elbow, apply ice and rest and if you have pain –apply some heat and rest. While medicine has its benefits, there are many people in healthcare who are there simply to gouge consumers of all their money.

Fortified drinks-scam or sham?

Do you recommend water fortified with vitamins and minerals?
There are hundreds of beverages for athletes on the market. The majority of these drinks are a waste of money and do not do anything special. Vitamin fortified drinks have been available for many years but they do not make you run any faster or lift more weights. These drinks only contain sugars, coloring agents, vitamins, minerals and sweeteners.

For the average athlete, these drinks do nothing, except empty your pockets of hard-earned money. Water is still the best beverage for all athletes. If you want additional vitamins, eat some fruit. Fruits contain no synthetic chemicals (as long as you wash them prior to eating), are a lot cheaper and more satisfying to consume. If you do not like to carry fruits with you, make some fresh juice at home.

The world of sports nutrition is multibillion-dollar business primarily because athletes feel that if they need to eat or drink some special nutrient, otherwise they will not have a better body

What you should remember is that it is not what you drink or eat, but how you exercise that determines the shape of your body. 

Viagra for elderly?

I am 67 years old, Can I use Viagra?

Sure, you can. Most people seem to think that Viagra is only for young people. How this myth got started is not known but the fact is that the biggest beneficiaries of Viagra are the middle aged and elderly individuals. Just because one gets old does not mean that the desire to have sex is diminished. Elderly individuals like to have good sex just as much as anyone else does. There are countless reports existing indicating that elderly individuals who use Viagra are able to enhance their sexual performance and lead a very satisfying sexual life. 

Impotence or failure to have an erection is also common in the elderly population. For this reason, Viagra for elderly people can do wonders. The majority of elderly individuals who take Viagra seem to be satisfied with the newly found sexual energy. However, it is highly recommended that all elderly individuals who plan to use Viagra first have a thorough medical checkup, especially individuals who have a history of diabetes, stroke or heart attacks.

Lastly, buy viagra from a reputable pharmacy as fakes and counterfeit pills have infiltrated the market.

Herbs for overactive Thyroid

I have just been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid gland. I would prefer to take something other than drugs. Are Chinese herbs of any benefit?
Over active thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism results in excess levels of thyroid hormone in blood. This can lead to a fast heart rate, weight loss, diarrhea, tremors, sweating, warm moist skin and elevated body temperature. In China, hyperthyroidism is often treated with a number of herbs. As to whether the herbs work is a different story.

Analysis of the scientific literature reveals that some Chinese herbs may be of benefit but they also have potent adverse effects. Moreover, the effects of herbs is not consistent and not seen in all patients. In addition, there is a large difference in quality of these products and some are even fakes. 

For the moment, Chinese herbs cannot be recommended for clinical use. If you have an overactive thyroid gland, go see your doctor. While you may not be a fan of medications, at least the drugs do work, are generally safe and cheap. With Oriental supplements, you can never be sure what you are getting. And there are many reports where the herbs have been spiked with pharmaceutical agents!!!

Coconut oil for Everything?

Can coconut oil prevent or treat low thyroid activity (hypothyroidism)?
Coconut oil is widely used in the Orient by millions of individuals. The oil composed chiefly or medium chain fatty acids is commonly used to flavor numerous South Asian foods and curries. Moreover, the oil is also used in many skincare products as a moisturizer and a skin softener. Many spas and clinics also use coconut oil for massages. Other uses of coconut oil include use as a lubricant during sex and as a base oil to make soaps, detergents and shampoos.

There are a lot of other health benefits attributed to coconut oil including weight loss, and reversal of low functioning thyroid. However, there is no evidence that coconut oil can help one reduce weight or cure hypothyroidism. There is not a single clinical study which has shown that daily intake of coconut oil can prevent hypothyroidism.

As far as weight loss properties of coconut oil are concerned, these are simply anecdotal reports without any scientific validity. There are thousands of Orientals who consume gallons of coconut oil on a yearly basis and still gain weight. All the hyped up data on increased metabolism and thermogenic properties of coconut oil are hogwash.

The treatment of hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone therapy. If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, constipation or extreme fatigue, go and see your physician. Thyroid hormone therapy is safe, relatively cheap and without too many side effects.  The health benefits of coconut oil have been exaggerated chiefly by people who sell this product.