Monday, January 6, 2014

Vaccination for travel

Do I need to be vaccinated if I go for a vacation to Bangkok?
No. Bangkok is a major metropolis with excellent hotels, just like the USA. The doctors in the USA are making a lot of money by inducing fear in travelers by telling them about exotic infections and crap. For the majority of travelers who go to hotels at holiday resorts all over the world, there is no need for vaccines. 

The world of vaccination for tourism is a billion dollar business. The only people who benefit from these bogus shots are the doctors. 

The only people who need vaccines are those healthcare workers going to work with sick people in an infected area. Others who need vaccines are those who indulge in gangbangs and orgies without any protection. Therefore, if you do not fall into that class, you do not need anything. 

Doctors certainly recommend the vaccines because they make money. Remember, medicine is a business. Some healthcare professionals will try to sell you a bunch of crap all the time.