Saturday, December 28, 2013

Viagra for elderly?

I am 67 years old, Can I use Viagra?

Sure, you can. Most people seem to think that Viagra is only for young people. How this myth got started is not known but the fact is that the biggest beneficiaries of Viagra are the middle aged and elderly individuals. Just because one gets old does not mean that the desire to have sex is diminished. Elderly individuals like to have good sex just as much as anyone else does. There are countless reports existing indicating that elderly individuals who use Viagra are able to enhance their sexual performance and lead a very satisfying sexual life. 

Impotence or failure to have an erection is also common in the elderly population. For this reason, Viagra for elderly people can do wonders. The majority of elderly individuals who take Viagra seem to be satisfied with the newly found sexual energy. However, it is highly recommended that all elderly individuals who plan to use Viagra first have a thorough medical checkup, especially individuals who have a history of diabetes, stroke or heart attacks.

Lastly, buy viagra from a reputable pharmacy as fakes and counterfeit pills have infiltrated the market.