Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Neck surgery botched

Recently my brother had neck surgery. Now he is unable to urinate and is constantly constipated. He also has decreased strength in his legs. The surgeon says this is just worsening of his neck disease; is this true?

I would get the entire medical chart and see a great malpractice lawyer. More likely, the surgeon botched the surgery and made your brother disabled. Cervical myelopathy is a common complication after bad surgery on the neck. There is no reason why your brother should have signs of urinary retention and constipation now; these are signs of damage to the spinal cord. 

See a good lawyer and avoid all other surgeons. It will only make the condition worse. For your brother, rehab and time will tell if there is to be any recovery. Your brother has high damages, which are most likely permanent. Never ever go for any neck surgery-the complications are often horrendous and permanent.