Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tennis elbow

Are there other treatments for tennis elbow, besides surgery?
Today, a number of newer techniques are being used in the management of tennis elbow. These include:

-  Ultrasound guided massage therapy
-  Acupuncture and acupressure
-  Low energy shock wave treatment
- Injection of botulinum toxin
- Orthotic devices
- Use of topical nitric oxide

All these treatments are expensive and no matter where you go, the provider will give you some B.S as to why you should select it. Worse, you will be enrolled for many sessions of therapy. 

Best advice; if you have tennis elbow do some of your own active and passive exercises at home. There are ample exercises listed on cyberspace and you do not even need to buy a book. 

Use common sense. If you have a swollen elbow, apply ice and rest and if you have pain –apply some heat and rest. While medicine has its benefits, there are many people in healthcare who are there simply to gouge consumers of all their money.