Friday, December 20, 2013

Laser for Acne Scar

I have ugly looking acne scars and am wondering if laser therapy can help?

Acne is a terrible skin problem and there is no good treatment for it. Sometimes acne can result in permanent scars. There are many treatments for acne scars but none of them work. Now lasers have been hyped up as the ultimate treatment. The doctors who offer laser claim that laser resurfacing is precise and produces immediate results. Unfortunately, there is no solid evidence that lasers can help eraser acne scars. Only people with mild acne scars see improvement after lasers. Those who have deep ice pick scars generally see no difference or sometimes even get worsening of the scar. 

Lasers are expensive and have many side effects. If you have the money, then you may want to try the laser. If you do not have money, then you can try peels or dermabrasion- both of these also suck BIGTIME. 

Final point- stop wasting money on expensive unproven therapies for Acne scar- just take some prozac. It may not cure your acne scar, but will help you like your face.